A community that loves like Jesus

We are a Jesus community that believes the church exists for the world and whatever your story or wherever you might be on your spiritual journey — you are welcome here.
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We believe the call to love our neighbor extends far beyond simply telling people about God’s love. That’s why we intentionally carve out space to serve and bless our neighbors and to work together for the common good.
Resonate is a church where everyone is welcome, not just to a physical building, but to a spiritual community. No matter where you are on your journey, you are welcome here! We strive to be a community of big-hearted people willing to love like Jesus.  We are excited to get to know you. Get connected by downloading the app, filling out a digital connection form, and looking at our available resources.  We would love to see you in person at one of our gatherings.
Overcoming shame is a journey, but it begins with recognizing it and confronting it with truth. Our hope is that we step into the life-giving process of navigating emotions in a healthy way—learning to identify shame and embracing a strong, healthy identity in Christ. We are deeply loved and fully known.

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